Thursday, March 15, 2012

Really McKenzie?

Do you ever have those moments when you get so worked up over something and then you step back and just think really (insert name here)? Well this week Meagan and I have been on spring break so we have been in Dallas spending time with our grandparents. We left Monday after Meagan's dentist appointment and my prom dress that I have been waiting on for like a month finally got here... Since we had already left town I had Lindsey bring it to me when she met up with us yesterday. I ordered this dress offline from a place I had never heard of before. Needless to say the dress was not the right size so it didn't fit. I cried and freaked out, then cried and freaked out some more. I might not be able to return the dress because the company isn't in the states so I have been very stressed out! But last night I was thinking to myself while I was trying to fall asleep... "Really McKenzie? There are people that are sick, that live in a third world country and are being abducted right now, and some that can't even afford to go to something as stupid as the prom and I am here feeling so sorry for myself. I mean yes the dress did cost money that we could really use back, and yes I did make a huge mistake, and maybe my parents are going to be upset, but my "problem" is SO SO much smaller than what A LOT of people in the world are going through right now!" I went to H&M today and found a dress that isn't really "promish" but while I was in line I was thinking "WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER!! I can make it work and IT'S MY SENIOR YEAR... I DO WHAT I WANT!" So you know what... I'm going to own it and make it work and I am so excited! Now if I can just get rid of this other dress! So thank you H&M for having my back as usual, and thank you Father for this life lesson of not ordering dresses from places you don't know about!