Sunday, August 29, 2010

Falling Behind.

So just to start off... I wasn't able to get on my blog when I went to Kazakhstan! Sorry if you were following when I was over there! Anyways then when I got home I was going to post stuff about my trip but it just isn't the same so I have not done that. Then school started and I forgot that I even had a blog haha... Anyways I am going to actually try to keep it up (not making any promises) but at least I'm going to try!! Anyways we have finished our first week of school which is crazy! I am a junior this year and that didn't hit me until the other day when we were at the pep-rally and we had to do our "yell" and they told the juniors to stand up... we all just looked at each other waiting for the JUNIORS to stand up and then we realized that WE were the JUNIORS! I can't believe it. Anyways school is okay I guess, I'm not the biggest fan of school so I am already ready for next summer! But I feel like this will be a pretty good year I just have to get back into the swing of things. Tonight me and Meagan and two other girls are sharing about our trips at church and it was cool because yesterday I was going through some pictures to figure out which ones to use and it brought back all of these GREAT memories that I had from my trip! Lately my mind has been back in Kazakhstan, everything that someone does reminds me of something or someone from my trip and I have just been struggling with wanting to be there and not here. I was reminded of a special verse that I found on my trip and it was just talking about how man can kill us, but God can condem us to hell for the rest of eternity... That is actually talking about being a coward and I realized that I just make myself think "well we are in America and there isn't anyone here for me to witness too!" or sometimes I get scared because I don't want the people to just tune me out when I am telling them about Christ. But this verse really made me think that you don't have to be overseas to be a witness... you can be a witness EVERYWHERE you go (even at school)! I guess the whole point of me writing this is that even though at first I had a bad attitude because I had to go back to school and I just knew that things wouldn't be the same as they were this summer in Kazakhstan, but then God got a hold of me and was like McKenzie you can be a witness at school in everything that you do and you don't just have to be overseas to tell people about me! Even though I'm still not to thrilled about the actual school part, at least I realized that I am called to me a witness if it is overseas in Kazakhstan or just in small old Bullard Texas! I hope ya'll get the same thing out of this that I did! Have a great week:)

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