Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weird feeling

So today we didn't have to go to school because some water pipe busted, we were all excited but then we found out that we have to make it up on monday:( Anyways I went to the doctor today because I have been having some back trouble... the doctor thought it was because of running cross country so I went and got several x-rays done and they couldn't see anything. Well today I went to get an ultra sound done and it turns out that I have a kidney stone! At first I wasn't worried about it because I wasn't really sure what it was! Well then I started looking it up on the internet and talking to people and come to find out it is going to be a very PAINFUL thing! I'm really scared! But then I realized that it isn't in my hands! God will take care of me, I mean it isn't like it is going to kill me or anything! So that is pretty much what is going on right now! I am ready to pass it and get it over with! I just want to ask that you pray for me that I wont have any trouble! That's about it:)


1 comment:

  1. maybe you should eat meat.
    or beans.
    or something other than pasta?

    :) love you! sorry you're having to go through this!
