Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who Knew...

Since I have been in Honduras with the Hopkins family I have seen and learned many things that I have never experienced in my life... One thing is being around a nine and six year old that have pretty much become like my little brother and sister. I must say that even though I have grown to love Emma and Tyler, I am very thankful that God blessed me with being the youngest because I'm not so sure I would have been able to handle being the oldest (props to Sissy and Meagy... Thank you for putting up with me for all of these years and I'm sorry for every time I've been annoying and thrown a fit!! I love ya'll!!) And also something I learned tonight is that moving around a lot (although I thought it would never come in handy) definitely does! We got in the car tonight to go to church and Tyler was crying... I asked him what was wrong and he said that he didn't like moving because he was scared. I told him that I have moved A LOT and although it is hard at first, once you make friends it is fun! I also told him that even though I have moved a lot and have friends all over I will never be able to say that I lived in Honduras and have great friends here which is a pretty cool thing to be able to tell people! We talked for a little bit longer and then he gave me a hug and said thanks for being such a big help! Coming from a nine year old boy that means a lot! So Momma and Daddy even though I have cried and been upset and not understood why we have moved so much, tonight God showed me that maybe it was so I could help a little nine year old boy realize how important it is to listen to him and go where he calls you to go! So thank you!

Love Always,
McKenzie Lane Brown

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